
Showing posts from May, 2015

Calorie Confusion

So today is Day 2 of prepping for the half marathon in July. 30 min run walk intervals. We have had so much rain and so I habitually jumped on the treadmill, and then noticed the sun begging me to come out and bask.  I immediately went outside, ran to the nearest park (it has a paved walkway around it) looped it three times and headed back to work.  It felt great!  I will admit I still don't feel like I don't belong in this slower body, but I love it just the same and I am GRATEFUL that after all that it has been through the last year it still agrees to do this stuff with me.  Oh, it yells at me while we do it, but it still goes.  Kind of like the reluctant friend who doesn't want to go but doesn't want to miss out on the fun.   My right toes always go numb about Mile 2.  Then the left hip starts complaining at about Mile 4 - that will be fun to look forward to.   But I absolutely love that this 41 one year old body (that spent 34 of it sedentary) can still

Full Body Exercises - More Bang For Your Fitness Buck!

While bicep curls and squats are a good way to build muscle, if you are strapped for time or want to add some variety, try adding  a a couple of these full body movements to your fitness plans.  Here are 4 that are sure to get your heart pumping, muscles burning and goals achieved! 1.  Modified Burpee /Upright Row   If getting down to floor level is difficult, try starting on an elevated surface like a chair, couch, or bench. 2.  Squat / Overhead Press .   These can be done with dumb bells or a resistance band.  Beginners remember you don't have to be ins super shape to squat.  Just start where you are and do your best!  3.  Step Up Leg Lift/Bicep Curl.     Got stairs?  You can do this outside.  Just make sure you are on a flat surface.  Alternate leg lifts as you do a simple bicep curl. 4.  Inchworm  Push up   This will take some practice, and even if you don't quite get to a push up, the inchworm part is a great beginner workout.  If you want to make it harder, try 2 or three