
Showing posts from July, 2016

Stress: The Four Types

On of the healthiest habits you can adopt for successful transformation and lifelong health is properly managing your stress.  The American Institute of Stress lists 50, yes 50 common signs and symptoms of stress.   You can find that list here.   As you can see, although s tress is often considered a psychological or emotional problem, it actually has very strong physical effects.  They include an increase in adrenaline secretion, higher blood pressure, increased heart rate, muscle tension, and slow digestion.   When stress hormones cortisone and cortisol are released, the immune system is suppressed, which can make the body vulnerable to colds and infections and delay healing.  Additionally,  cortisol is bad news for fat loss because it encourages build up around the midsection. It may also deplete the body of potassium, magnesium and calcium, leading to nutrient deficiencies. do we combat the effects of stress?   First. we break down our stress into 4 major types of stress -