
Showing posts from February, 2017

The Art of Hiding

For my first job as a trainer, I was required to sign an agreement that I would follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly and maintain a proper weight as I was an example to the gym members (including my own clients).  It was another "moment" of success for me on my transformation journey.  I had gone from the 300 pound client unable to safely walk on a treadmill to an example of health.  I was on top of my game, was no longer pursuing fat loss, and felt like I had arrived at my final transformational destination.  It was almost as if I was immune to the weight and health problems that plagued my life for nearly 3 decades.  There was nothing to hide and I was truly living my best life in full color, out loud, and with no regrets.  I was no longer vulnerable to the shame and criticism that sadly so often accompanies those of us who struggle with weight.  I had escaped!    For so many years I felt trapped, and I felt like I had to hide.  I had to hide my weight, my body, my lac