
Showing posts from September, 2019

Get CONTROL of yourself!

Understanding food addiction was one of the ways I was better able to navigate my way through making lasting changes to better my health.  A book I love (to the point the jacket is in shambles) is called It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You" by Janet Greeson) says this: There is a widespread myth about food addicts tha t control is their main issue. I disagree.    Control is a symptom.  The core issue is powerlessness .  The food addict gives away power to the food.  Think of the power people give away to that "just one" potato chip that will lead to a binge. Because people with eating disorders think in terms of controlling what they eat, they are often very rigid in their attitude.  After all, addiction to food is much more difficult to live with than an addiction to alcohol or other substances from which people can totally abstain . I don't believe in focusing on control .  It makes as much sense as treating and allergic rash with