
Showing posts from December, 2019

Start With It All

In 2007, I accomplished something most people never do.  I lost 115 pounds the old-fashioned way. No gimmicks, no fad diets.  I got in the "drivers seat" with my brain, I moved my body, fueled it as best I could.  Over time, I learned to appreciate my body at every size and shape, and to find gratitude the simplest of moments.  I learned the value of rest for both mind and body.  I truly found my "sweet spot" for optimal health, and I called it my Moxie.  I stayed in that "place" for almost 10 years and worked as a NASM Certified Personal Trainer for about 5 years as a way of not only paying it forward to help others but to keep my life active.  I promised myself I would never "go back. Looking back, it was because I was afraid.  Afraid  I wouldn't have the strength or the Moxie to do it again. Turns out it was just a dress rehearsal. Fast forward to 2019 and I am still digging through the ashes of a few disastrous years to find my Moxie again.  I