
Showing posts from September, 2013

6 Years & a Day of Gratitude

Whenever I get discouraged, I go back and revisit this lady! A time when a 10 minute hike was a fitness feat, when I gave 100% to my goals (though I had very little to give), and when I dared to believe I could shed 100 pounds.  This month marks the 6 year anniversary of the day I had the "a-ha" moment and began making the little changes that made such a big difference! One of those changes is to find something EVERY day to be grateful for - there is strength in gratitude!  Here is my list of 10 things I am most grateful for over the last 6 years: 1)  That little boy with his arms around my neck who has loved me from the moment he entered this world.  He knows how to love unconditionally, and his heart continues to grow with his body! 2)  The knowledge that I am deeply loved by an all-powerful God who knows my heart, my strengths and my flaws and still blesses me incredibly despite them. 3)  The realization that the number on the scale or the size of my pants DID NOT determin

NYR in Septemer - 90 Day Challenge

Why wait for the holidays to be over to think about resolutions and start healthy goals? I have always wanted to start a 90 day challenge beginning in September - so that when December rolls around I (and those in the challenge with me) have formed the strong systems and habits for the holidays   Trust me when I tell you  - it feels REALLY good to not add "start a diet"  to your NYR list! Announcing the FIRST ever NYR in September (New Years Resolution in September)  90 Day Challenge! Learn to celebrate the holidays with confidence and not "need" those foods and habits that keep us from reaching our goals.  Why am I doing this? 1)  I am on a journey too, and need the support and motivation of a group. We increase our odds of success three-fold when we do it together. 2)  I have a passion for helping people get out of the weight loss game and get in to living life beyond diets and obsessing about weight.  There is so much life to enjoy! 3)  It's the best way to h