
Showing posts from December, 2013

Many Faces of Fitness

Working in gym, I get to see a variety of people from all walks of life and how all those people share the common thread of fitness.  It is my personal experience that the "face" of fitness is NOT always the perfectly chiseled body with every muscle in tip top performance.   These seem to be telling us, this is how "to be" and if you aren't here, you don't "measure up" to our standards and therefore must be making excuses as to why you don't.  I shuddered at the post making headlines in the fitness industry of "What's Your Excuse" by self-proclaimed fitness enthusiast Maria Kang.  Don't get me wrong those gym enthusiast work hard to achieve goals, and I absolutely applaud them for it.  I shudder because it only tells ONE kind of story.  To be labeled as "fit" you must look, feel, and act like....." regardless.  Daunting when you think about it.  I am always intrigued by the not so common faces of fitness - thos