Many Faces of Fitness

Working in gym, I get to see a variety of people from all walks of life and how all those people share the common thread of fitness.  It is my personal experience that the "face" of fitness is NOT always the perfectly chiseled body with every muscle in tip top performance.   These seem to be telling us, this is how "to be" and if you aren't here, you don't "measure up" to our standards and therefore must be making excuses as to why you don't.  I shuddered at the post making headlines in the fitness industry of "What's Your Excuse" by self-proclaimed fitness enthusiast Maria Kang. 

Don't get me wrong those gym enthusiast work hard to achieve goals, and I absolutely applaud them for it.  I shudder because it only tells ONE kind of story.  To be labeled as "fit" you must look, feel, and act like....." regardless.  Daunting when you think about it. 

I am always intrigued by the not so common faces of fitness - those with a story we wouldn't expect.  Perhaps it is because I am one of those who were at one time the "underdog" of fitness who did not understand much about reps, sets, and supplements.  Or perhaps, it is because I love meeting new people and hearing their "fitness story" - we all have one.  Even if the story has been dormant a while, or just still in the drafting stages.  There is always a story.

I met a gentleman today who a few weeks ago lived through 15 strokes over  couple of days.  Miraculously, he shows no ill effects from such trauma.  It baffled the doctors, but he got a wake up call.  His doctor recommended "improve your health, exercise a little more, quit smoking, and eat healthy meals three times a day."   He started that day and began walking a mile per day and eating better.  With the weather, he needs to come indoors (that is why he came to see me) to keep up his goals.   Can you say overcome obstacles and excuses?

Or the sweet lady Patsy who at the spry age of 80 comes to my gym EVERY day (sometimes in her cute pumps) to  follow her trainer-designed routine.  She keeps coming because she was able to get off her osteoporosis meds as well as others and she can still take care of her own leaves and snow.  She likes feeling strong.

With so much media thrown at us regarding body perfection and the current fitness frenzy, it is so easy for many of us (me included at times) get caught up in our reasons for fitness and talk ourselves out of it or drive ourselves mad.  There is SO MUCH MORE to it than reps and sets or muscle size and body shape. 

It can be strength, hope for a longer life, health, or just the beauty of overcoming what we thought was impossible.


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