
Showing posts from March, 2015


You.Are.Amazing. As. you. are. Stronger than you know. More beautiful than you think. Worthier than you believe. More loved than you can ever imagine. Passionate about making a difference. Fiery when protecting those you love. Learning. Growing. Not alone. Warm. Giving. Generous. Quirky. Sexy. Funny. Smart. Flawed. Whole. Scared. Brave. And so, so, so.much.more. Be Strong. Be Confident. Be You. Copyright:  Tia Sparkles Singh,  2011 Your Life YOUR Way

I Had To Know

When I heard the term Trisomy 18, I immediately began researching.  I found a lot of information - sadly not much of it gave me hope for the quality of life for my sweet Willa.  To learn more, follow this link Trisomy 18 Facts .  I was desperate to get her home, and prayed she would be able to make it through NICU.  It wouldn't be for her.  Ultimately she got an infection that required a blood transfusion and an extensive anti-biotic treatment before we could even begin to address her individual issues with Edward's Syndrome. Social media offered a look into the lives of other children with the condition who were still alive and struggling with issues.  Some common, some completely random.  I wanted to know exactly how that third 18th chromosome had affected her little body as outwardly there were no obvious markers that she was sick.  We had even been referred to Primary Children's for a fetal echo cardiogram and were given a clean bill of health.  The heart appeared (at 2

It Will Make You Fat

I had to have this conversation with my 12 year old HEALTHY boy who was told by someone who got their reliable information from watching the Biggest Loser that a certain food would make him fat.  Seriously? First off don't give my 12 year old healthy child a fat complex.  His mama dealt with one most of her life - long enough for the both of them. That language does DAMAGE so just stop using it. Second, a certain food will not make you fat, regardless of what the Biggest Loser "experts" say. My opinion on the BL is for a whole new post, but simply put - a calorie surplus (more than a body will use daily) will result in fat storage.  That is science.  Any food eaten in excess can contribute to said surplus. And third.  Is "fat" really the worst thing you can be or be called? Thank you J.K.....