Stepping Stones

So, throughout this journey, I have had some special "moments" that remind me that I am literally stepping up and leaving an old lifestyle - making serious positive changes in my life and truly embracing a new one. For the purposes of my blogging, I am going to call them stepping stones.

One such moment happened yesterday when I went in to Weight Watchers to weigh in before the race. I achieved an awesome goal of losing 60 pounds, and the scale lady was so excited! She said she could not imagine me with that weight back. That made me feel so good. But perhaps the best part was after I told her I wouldn't be staying because of the race, she smiled and said, "Thats' right, you are the runner!" AT NO TIME in my life have I EVER been referred to as "the runner." If she only knew me "back then" she would realize how monumental these changes have been for me!


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