How did that happen?

Weigh in this week for me was - in a word - shocking. I have been in this holding pattern with my weight for the last little while. Despite not seeing the scale go down, or my clothes fitting loser, I refused to quit. I knew (and still know) that my body wants to hold on to this excess weight because that it all we have ever known - it is what is comfortable.

The persistence paid off.....and my body morphed! The scale went down 2 pounds - for a total of 62 pounds gone. And though it seems crazy, when the changed happened, I noticed it. I had purchased a pair of pants at Wal-Mart that were a size smaller as a motivation tool. To my surprise when I woke up one morning and slipped them on....they fit! I am so proud to say that I am wearing a size 14. That may seem huge to some, but when you consider I started out at a 26, it is pretty darn amazing! I think the last time I wore a 14.....I was 14 years old! I am finally able to see my life as it will be without the weight....permanently!


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