"One Can Never Consent To Creep When One Feels An Impulse To Soar"

Helen Keller.

That has been the difference for me this time around - I believe in myself enough to think that if I want to soar - I can! I spent enough years of my life creeping around....not feeling worthy to "soar" in life like I saw others doing. There have been several moments over the past 2 years that I have thought about quitting....or at least letting up a little bit. Right now I am in the middle of one of these phases. I don't ever remember being this fit and healthy in my life before - and I think the last time I was this size, I was like 12 or 14 years old. I don't have memories of what it felt like to be thin and healthy to go back to and hold on to to propel me forward. This is all new territory from here on out, but yet this feels quite comfortable.

Over the last couple of weeks, some stress has pushed me to my limits, and I have thought about starting to "creep" around in my life again. Quiet and invisible. That state of mind has led me to retreat back to old habits. Ironically, I also find that these times come when I am "slow" and "impatient" with God.

I have been letting myself "cheat" a little to often on my food plan (justifying it by telling myself I work out hard enough), I haven't been journaling my food (when I know that is vital to my success), I haven't been as dedicated in my communication with the Lord, and little by little, old mind sets and thought patterns fill my mind. It is a package deal - they all come together.

I start to creep, and something inside of me says, "But what would it feel like to just keep soaring? Why keep creeping when you were meant to fly?" I really do want to soar, and see what else this journey has in store for me. The trick is remembering that I am worth it....and so is this journey.

I am also reminded of one of my favorite scriptures - Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint."

I need to recommit....to the Lord and "wait" on him in all things - which in turn will be the catalyst that propels me forward on this journey.


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