
Showing posts from February, 2011

Climbing, Sliding, or Steadying?

Be a Relentless Spirit Be a positive, driving, fiery force that allows no obstacle, setback, or challenge to slow down or stop the successful accomplishment of a noteworthy goal. ~Marcus Alexander~ Okay, so truth is...sometimes I do feel like that positive driving fiery force that doesn't slow down or stop.... and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I wake up ready to take on the day, workouts come easy, my goals seem attainable, and life seems to be coming together. And sometimes - not so much. But either way (like it or not) I am a relentless spirit. I don't quit very easily - it's just part of who I am. I have even been known to NOT start a project I know I can't finish. I honestly haven't yet learned the art of quitting. For some folks in my life - that can be a problem! Over the past few years of my life I have come to understand that any "the successful accomplishment of a noteworthy goal" is much like climbing a mountain. Mountains can be big, r

A moment at 9 mph......

The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - and never knowing. - David Viscott So, honestly, I don't like to run. Never have. And even worse....I don't really like the treadmill much AT ALL. So why on earth do I run on a treadmill for at least 2-3 miles 5 days a week? Two reasons... 1. I like what running has done for my weight loss and what it has done to my body. 2. I love that moment when I reach and pass a new goal...which happened today. Those moments sneak up on me, and just when I think I am NOT getting any faster or better, my body morphs and suddenly I have to speed up to keep my heart rate up. Today I sprinted a few times for an entire minute at 9 mph, and my "base" speed where I could catch my breath and let my heart recover was 6 mph. That may not seem very fast, but for me (a confessed non runner who felt like a ru