Climbing, Sliding, or Steadying?

Be a Relentless Spirit
Be a positive, driving, fiery force
allows no obstacle, setback, or challenge

to slow down or stop
the successful accomplishment
of a noteworthy goal.
~Marcus Alexander~

Okay, so truth is...sometimes I do feel like that positive driving fiery force that doesn't slow down or stop.... and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I wake up ready to take on the day, workouts come easy, my goals seem attainable, and life seems to be coming together. And sometimes - not so much. But either way (like it or not) I am a relentless spirit. I don't quit very easily - it's just part of who I am. I have even been known to NOT start a project I know I can't finish. I honestly haven't yet learned the art of quitting. For some folks in my life - that can be a problem!

Over the past few years of my life I have come to understand that any "the successful accomplishment of a noteworthy goal" is much like climbing a mountain. Mountains can be big, rocky and cumbersome, grassy and steady-sloped, or anywhere in between. They come in all shapes and sizes (as do goals), but they all are moving upward (progression) and they all have a peak (end goal). My particular mountain has not only been changing my body by weight loss, but also changing my mind by letting go of old negative beliefs and habits. My mountain has been a beautiful but bumpy journey. I have had areas of green grassy fields, and I have for sure experienced those big cumbersome rocks that seemed impassable.

During my "climb" I have experienced times where it all worked out well. The slope was challenging - but doable, my mind was focused on the goals ahead, and I just kept pushing forward. Other times, I have felt like I was climbing on shale rocks. Taking one step forward, and sliding back down four. During those times, I felt unfocused, or rather distracted by fear, uncertainty, or even just by life and all the challenges it offers.

After those sliding experiences, I have to do a little bit of steadying. I have to STOP frantic attempts to dig my feet into the shale rock and fruitlessly climb,and hold on for just a moment. Guess what? I am afraid to stop. Afraid that if I stop I will give up, let go and completely fall down the mountain, only to start over again. Afraid to fail. Afraid to never reach my destination. Afraid, afraid, afraid. In those moments, I am reminded that the fear is not part of the mountain. God created the mountain, and has given me the tools I need to climb it, but he most certainly did NOT give me the fear.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7

A sound mind that knows what to do to overcome this obstacle. A sound mind that has come this far and won't quit. Power to steady myself and then continue on this journey. Power to get to the top of this mountain! Love for myself - to not be over-critical of my imperfections. Love for others - to reach out to other fellow climbers and offer my help or to accept the guidance of others. That is what God has given me.

Always perfectly positive and fiery force that lets nothing slow me down? No.

A relentless spirit? Yes. I will never quit........


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