A moment at 9 mph......

The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - and never knowing. - David Viscott

So, honestly, I don't like to run. Never have. And even worse....I don't really like the treadmill much AT ALL. So why on earth do I run on a treadmill for at least 2-3 miles 5 days a week? Two reasons...

1. I like what running has done for my weight loss and what it has done to my body.
2. I love that moment when I reach and pass a new goal...which happened today.

Those moments sneak up on me, and just when I think I am NOT getting any faster or better, my body morphs and suddenly I have to speed up to keep my heart rate up. Today I sprinted a few times for an entire minute at 9 mph, and my "base" speed where I could catch my breath and let my heart recover was 6 mph. That may not seem very fast, but for me (a confessed non runner who felt like a running rock star when I could sustain 5 mph speed) it was pretty darn amazing! I ran 2 miles in just over 19 minutes. Oh yeah! New personal best.....

That moment was thrilling....my feet kept up with the tread and I didn't feel like I was going to fall and end up with treadmill burn on my chin. Those little moments give me so much courage for this crazy journey I am on... courage (and curiosity) to keep going and push a little more to see the next thing this God-given body machine of mine can do. But more than running...those moments give me courage and strength to push through and hang on in other areas of my life. No matter what...to not give up. My journey has NOT been perfect, I still struggle with food issues, still have self-defeating thoughts, still have to deal with insensitive people, still have stress, still struggle with taking time for myself without the guilt, and still have moments when I wonder if I can take one more step or work out one more time.

It is those little moments of a rush that I realize it has all been worth it.....and that tomorrow....I will do it again. I need to try...


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