
Showing posts from March, 2011

No Excuses...NO LIMIT!

There have been times in my life when God sends me messages in very overt ways. It is usually when I have already felt something (usually a course of action or idea) in my heart and then I sit back, and procrastinate with it. Now, mind you, I am NOT ignoring it completely... just letting it sit idle for awhile, looking the other way, waiting, and making all kinds of excuses as different things get put in line before it. Waiting for what? Who knows. Why do I procrastinate and allow myself to turn away? Distraction? Fear? Doubt? You get the point (and could probably add a few more good ones to the list as well). This pivotal course of action and idea got distracted a few weeks ago by a host of things and just kept getting lower and lower on "the list." Until this weekend. Within just 3 days I was well aware of my lack of focus and the long list of excuses I was beginning to believe. I have been set straight again. The first clear message (in case I missed that b

Setbacks...what have YOU learned?

The key is to recognize setbacks for what they really are – entry points for learning not validation that you aren’t good enough. After a disappointment analyze your actions, get feedback from friends & take inventory of what you could do better next time. This type of self-reflection & improvement will ultimately make success inevitable. Jillian Michaels Happily on my way to my goal weight, training for the annual 10 mile Pear Blossom in Medford, studying to be a trainer...and BOOM! I got tripped. Tripped by a bag of rocks. Looking back I have shown symptoms since October but had NO idea what was transpiring inside my body; gall bladder disease. Finally, a trip to the doctor and an ultrasound confirmed why I was not feeling well. I went from running and lifting weights daily to sitting on my couch post surgery (to remove my gall bladder) unable to walk to the kitchen without help in just over a week. Can you say major set back? But I agree with Jillian....setback

Just Believe

What do you believe you can achieve? What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? I am on my way to becoming a Certified Personal Trainer. It is a dream I have had since I started on this amazing journey. It was not something I ever thought or imagined myself doing even a few years ago, but know in my heart it is what I am passionate about and want to spend my energy of life doing - giving to others this great gift I have been given. Living happily and healthy in the body I have been given, taking care of this body properly, and enjoying the benefits of it working right and at it's best. Accepting myself, imperfections and all, and to always be striving for a new goal - pushing myself to breathtaking limits. And now to share what I have. Ironically, I didn't always believe it was possible. I didn't see this in me although others around me did, especially my trainer, Adam. At first, I had to believe him and lean on that belief until I could eventually belie