No Excuses...NO LIMIT!

There have been times in my life when God sends me messages in very overt ways. It is usually when I have already felt something (usually a course of action or idea) in my heart and then I sit back, and procrastinate with it. Now, mind you, I am NOT ignoring it completely... just letting it sit idle for awhile, looking the other way, waiting, and making all kinds of excuses as different things get put in line before it. Waiting for what? Who knows. Why do I procrastinate and allow myself to turn away? Distraction? Fear? Doubt? You get the point (and could probably add a few more good ones to the list as well).

This pivotal course of action and idea got distracted a few weeks ago by a host of things and just kept getting lower and lower on "the list." Until this weekend. Within just 3 days I was well aware of my lack of focus and the long list of excuses I was beginning to believe. I have been set straight again.

The first clear message (in case I missed that burning in my heart and feeling of fulfilling a life long dream...duh) came from a line in a movie I was watching while recuperating from gall bladder surgery:

"Every opportunity has an expiration date."

The second message from a very dear friend who is reading an inspirational book and thought to share this with me:

"its so easy to come up with excuses: too busy right now, too much trouble, the kids, my this, my that. if we aren't careful, we come up with all sorts of ways to creatively dilute our passions, shift our uniqueness to simmer on the back burner, stave off our desire by placating it with counterfeits, starving our talents until they are withered and weak, and ignoring our restlessness in hopes that
it will take a hint and go away...."

And last but not least, the third message discovered on a random fortune cookie paper that I found lying on the counter of my favorite place to get away and just be myself (which is NOT a Chinese restaurant by the way):

"Assert yourself, your ideas are worthwhile at this time."

These obviously have special meaning to me right now in my life, but I think these are powerful messages for anyone. Why wait to live up to your true best self? Why wait to start or end something? Why allow distractions to get in the way? Why not see the limitlessness you have and just run with it? Why make (and then replay over and over) a list of possible excuses?
Don't wait to start living and moving toward goals. Just do it! Write that book, start that program, call that person, look for that new job....etc. No limits!

For me, the message is loud and clear, and I can't deny the power of these simple and quiet reminders (or think that the discovery of such is random).

I have taped my "fortune" on to my laptop where I can see it everyday as I finally move this thing forward. Here's to having just a little more gumption...and here's to at least shortening my list of well-rehearsed on!


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