Just Believe

What do you believe you can achieve?
What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

I am on my way to becoming a Certified Personal Trainer. It is a dream I have had since I started on this amazing journey. It was not something I ever thought or imagined myself doing even a few years ago, but know in my heart it is what I am passionate about and want to spend my energy of life doing - giving to others this great gift I have been given. Living happily and healthy in the body I have been given, taking care of this body properly, and enjoying the benefits of it working right and at it's best. Accepting myself, imperfections and all, and to always be striving for a new goal - pushing myself to breathtaking limits. And now to share what I have.

Ironically, I didn't always believe it was possible. I didn't see this in me although others around me did, especially my trainer, Adam. At first, I had to believe him and lean on that belief until I could eventually believe in myself. And you know what? The more I believed him, the more I began to believe in myself, and the more I believed in myself, the more successful I became.

And, wouldn't you know it, today as I have began studying about behavior modification as a trainer I discovered that it's science! I thought this course would just be about movement, form, muscles, etc. Nope. It took more than just a little exercise to transform my life like I did. I have learned (and experienced) that there is very strong relation between success and belief. From my textbook:

"belief is one of the most powerful predictors of change and success. Those who truly believe they will be successful are more likely to...... work harder, achieve more, perform better, be happy while tackling problems, set more effective goals, persist vigorously despite obstacles and setbacks, react better to difficult circumstances, use effective coping skills...".

The list could go on, but in short, those who believe in themselves are more likely to be a success across all areas of their lives! What a powerful tool! No special equipment, no contract, no price, and NO LIMITS! That power of success lies within each one of us (albeit sometimes untapped)!

That belief didn't come easy for me, and I had to search for it a bit, but it did come. If you can't believe right now, find someone who will and believe in that until your belief takes over. Call me! Find someone. Find that power, and I promise that it will change your life.


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