
Showing posts from November, 2011


Okay, so it is the day after the big feast, and can I just tell you that I LOVE my new lifestyle. I have spent many years "guilting" over the dinner I ate on Thanksgiving. It used to be the day I thought "I will start my diet today" which of course ended up getting postponed until after the holidays and then it just ended up being on my list of New Year's Resolutions. Not anymore! Why? Because my priorities changed. Four years ago I walked in to my local gym, at my highest weight, embarrassed, shy, and full of self doubt (in the MIDDLE of the holiday season I might add). Head hung low, I asked to hire a trainer. After some initial questions, this trainer looked at me and said " Are you sure you want to start now? Most people want to wait until after the holidays and life is less hectic." Um....kick in even more self doubt and embarrassment. No, I don't "want" to start at all. This is crazy, and why am I even in this gym h

Dream Big!

Okay, so it has been awhile since I posted...but with good reason. I had a lot going on in the last four months. I moved to be closer to family, quit my job, changed careers, and I am now trying to build my clientele as a personal trainer. Something that the "me" who started this journey NEVER imagined....but she did have big dreams for herself, and as I look back I realize the importance of visualizing what you want to achieve. I started my transformation in September 2007 when I joined Weight Watchers and heard them tell me that for me to be "healthy" I had to lose a whopping 115 pounds. Quite a feat for a girl who couldn't walk around the block comfortably, had no motivation, and feared most big changes. But, as I sat there each week and began to have small successes, my mind began to see big possibilities. When asked what I would like to achieve after my weight loss, I replied that I wanted to be a leader at weight watchers...the current