
Okay, so it is the day after the big feast, and can I just tell you that I LOVE my new lifestyle. I have spent many years "guilting" over the dinner I ate on Thanksgiving. It used to be the day I thought "I will start my diet today" which of course ended up getting postponed until after the holidays and then it just ended up being on my list of New Year's Resolutions. Not anymore! Why? Because my priorities changed.

Four years ago I walked in to my local gym, at my highest weight, embarrassed, shy, and full of self doubt (in the MIDDLE of the holiday season I might add). Head hung low, I asked to hire a trainer. After some initial questions, this trainer looked at me and said "Are you sure you want to start now? Most people want to wait until after the holidays and life is less hectic." Um....kick in even more self doubt and embarrassment. No, I don't "want" to start at all. This is crazy, and why am I even in this gym having this conversation with Mr. Trainer who has no idea what courage it took to walk in the doors in the first place. I big part of me agreed with him. Oh well..pull out the "New Years Resolution" list.

As I was about to say, "You are right", this bigger piece of me (the part deep down inside who had been ignored for way too long) started screaming at me :"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...LIFE WILL NEVER BE LESS HECTIC THAN IT IS NOW! MAKE YOUR LIFE A PRIORITY THIS INSTANT! QUIT HOLDING ON TO YOUR EXCUSES AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE THE CHANGES YOU WANT TO SEE IN YOUR LIFE...NOW!" Cue in the little gumption I had left in life. Oh Mr. Trainer you have no idea what is about to happen. The gumption lit the fire. Here we go...are YOU ready? With a smile I replied, "No thanks, I would rather start right now." I haven't stopped to look back, and know the rest of the story...

Life is about priorities. You decide what they one else can. They may try to tell you what those priorities "should be" but ultimately you are the one who chooses. All of my priorities were in conflict, and up until then they had all been centered around keeping others happy and helping THEM with their priorities. I had made everyone else in my life a priority and I had nothing left to give anymore. Things had to change, and so it began. Priority shifting is hard work - but SO worth the struggle! Exercise, meal planning, grocery shopping, avoiding triggers, and writing down my feelings became just a few of the uncomfortable switches that have continued until they are now part of my life.

What changes have happened from these shifts? I choose to fuel my body in order to keep it strong and healthy, and I choose to plan for celebrations like Thanksgiving so that I can enjoy guilt free. I choose to exercise on most days because of what it does to my body and my mind - and I choose to push my workouts to new levels because when I am strong physically, I feel strong in other areas of my life. I choose to dwell in possibilities and let that positive energy propel me forward. I choose life and health for my body, mind, and spirit. Just to name a few. But a big change (and the most ironic discovery I made about priority shifts) was that in doing so, I not only made those "changes" I wanted so desperately in my life 4 years ago, but those around me that were my only priority get even more than before because they are getting the best version of me. I have more capacity to love and give and help when my priorities are in proper order. That is a win -win. Off to run...because that is what I do.

Happy priority making.....


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