Dream Big!

Okay, so it has been awhile since I posted...but with good reason. I had a lot going on in the last four months. I moved to be closer to family, quit my job, changed careers, and I am now trying to build my clientele as a personal trainer. Something that the "me" who started this journey NEVER imagined....but she did have big dreams for herself, and as I look back I realize the importance of visualizing what you want to achieve.

I started my transformation in September 2007 when I joined Weight Watchers and heard them tell me that for me to be "healthy" I had to lose a whopping 115 pounds. Quite a feat for a girl who couldn't walk around the block comfortably, had no motivation, and feared most big changes. But, as I sat there each week and began to have small successes, my mind began to see big possibilities. When asked what I would like to achieve after my weight loss, I replied that I wanted to be a leader at weight watchers...the current leader gave me an application. I had to be within 5 pounds of my goal weight...that was over 100 pounds... so I went home and taped the application to my mirror where I could see it every day. I imagined myself teaching the group as a confident success story.

After some time, I had to quit attending the program - not because it doesn't work, but because I had taken up running and the meetings conflicted with my participation in 5k runs. The application still remained visible in my room along with a written list of other big dreams that I wanted to pursue as my vision of my life and it's success expanded with my possibilities.

So the story would be great if I reported that I know work as a successful group leader at Weight Watchers...right? I have one better...

Yesterday (just 4 years later) I received a box that had my business cards inside. As I pulled one out to review it, I realized that the "application dream" had come to fruition - but on a much different scale! I now not only teach people the important principles of healthy nutrition, but teach them about fitness as a Personal Trainer/Educator at Snap Fitness. Who would have thought that back then? Certainly not me...

Norman Vincent Peale said

"Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture...Do not build up obstacles in your imagination."

I am so grateful I decided to dream big and then never let it go....

what's your big dream?


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