Think On These Things

I don't know how many times I have mentally beat myself up that I didn't stick to my eating plan perfectly, or do the workout I had intended.  I get caught up in the imperfection of my day and THINK on all the things I could have done better, eaten less of, tried harder at.   Insert eye roll and defeated heavy sigh.  You get the picture right?

The mind is a beautiful thing, and I know it can also be my strongest enemy when it comes to reaching my goals if I am not careful of what thoughts are going in and taking up valuable space.

After finishing a run, my brain has two options.  It can say, "You go girl!  You did it!  You finished that 6 miles in the hot sun and you didn't quit!  Just think of how far you have come!  Remember the days of NOT being able to walk to the mailbox or around the block with your boy?  They are GONE!  You just ran six miles on your 3rd day of "getting back" in to running!  You are amazing, your body is strong, and you have come a long way baby!  Next run will be even better!"


It can say, "Well YOU are not in good of shape as you were last summer. That's it?  You aren't even doing a half marthon or the Ragnar this year.  You haven't been on top of your goals now have you?  What is the matter with you?  You have worked so hard and you are not even better than last year.  Some inspiration you are.  You are a slacker!  Why would anyone be inspired by you?  You might as well quit now."

Same run.  Different mental paths.  One sets me up for more success, one sends me down the slippery slope of defeat.  One gives me hope, peace, and strength.  The other breeds fear and sadness in my heart and mind.

Paul was an amazing apostle and motivator (and I like his running analogies).  Even HE  tells us that the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will keep in our hearts and minds if we allow it.  "Whatsoever things are true, honest (you just finished 6 miles!) just, pure (You go girl!  You did it!), lovely, of good report (remember how far you have come!), virtuous, or praiseworthy,..... think on these things. (Philippians 4:7-8)

Thanks for the reminder Paul!
Here's to dwelling on seeds of positive possibility and success.....and to letting them take root (leaving no space for the negative nasties) in my heart and mind.
May you do the same...and see the flourishing fruits of success!

Always moving forward....


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