What Makes You Beautiful

Sadly, our modern american society usually equates beauty with being "skinny" while discounting the host of fabulous qualities that make a woman beautiful.  I have had this picture in my book of inspiration since the beginning.  It was my tool for combating the voice in my head that said, "You would be more beautiful, more loved, more talented, more adored, more appreciated,
more ______  (insert your favorite descriptor here) if you were skinnier."

This erroneous message was reinforced in my life until I had accepted it as truth, and consequently believed just getting skinny would not only end all my sadness and trials, but would improve everything, including my failing relationship.  Uh..no pressure!

What I learned through my transformation was that I WAS truly beautiful, regardless the size.  There are a host of qualities that I now equate as beautiful - that DO NOT correlate with my body.

Courageous.  Tenacious.  Loving.  Kind.  Strong.  Just  to name a few.

And when it comes to my body.  Skinny is not a word I would use, ever.  Curvy, fit, strong, and lean, - yes.  Skinny..no.   Probably never will be.  I have Scandinavian blood that guarantees me a thick and curvy derriere and hips (no matter the amount of squats or lunges I do).  And carrying around 100 extra pounds for a couple decades will give a girl some thick (but oh so strong) thighs.  I may not be bean skinny, or EVER wear a size 0...... but I AM BEAUTIFUL.   And so are you!

By the way, HOW is 0 even a size?  Seriously..........<<insert eye roll>>

I challenge you.  Crank up "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction (yes I am a closet boy band fan who may have had a NKOTB obsession back in the day) and make a list of your beautiful qualities.  If you can't think of some, ask those in your life who love you unconditionally.  They see the true you.    


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