Labels and Kitestrings

Not to me either Ms. Rowling!

In school we learned about synonyms.  In one activity, we made a kite for the base word, and then kite strings for each new word we could come up with that meant the same.  We can say so many things with just one word.  

If there is a word I have tried to remove from my vocabulary as I moved forward to change my life (and I would recommend it to you) - it is the word "fat."  Now, I am not saying I live in denial when I think about the excess fat tissue I have had to lose and keep off for the last few years of  my  life to have better health and energy, but let's face it...that word has a much deeper meaning in our world.  Cruel meanings - or "pseudo-synonyms" attached to it are not hard to spot ESPECIALLY if you have ever been labeled as fat or obese (the actual medical term).   

So what are some of those common pseudo-synonyms to the word "fat" in our culture?  Lazy.  Self-indulgent.  Ugly. Worthless.  That synonym kite could have a lot of strings if we took a poll.  I know that for the years I spent in my "fat suit"  if I heard that term, immediately thought of  myself as all of the above.  That somehow I was unlovable, ugly, and worthless  because I was "fat."  

I find it ironic that in some cultures a "fat" person is considered affluent because they have enough food to eat, and larger curvaceous women are seen as well cared for?  It is all about proper perspective.

Being labeled fat does not cancel out ALL other good qualities that another human being has.  Unfortunately, the MOMENT we label someone as such, (ourselves included) we attach all those NEGATIVE unseen synonyms that follow it like the tails on a kite.  It can be very hard to disassociate them.    What would be the strings to "skinny"?  Be mindful of the words you use to describe yourself and others.  

True beauty as well as "vindictive" and "cruel" comes from within and is found "in" all shapes and sizes!


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