The Thigh Gap and Other Myths

There are some pictures and articles that demand I pay attention.  The "thigh gap" myth is one such thing.  I used to watch my chubby self in the mirror at the gym whilst hoisting my dumbbells and think that when I could see the GAP  (or the space between your upper-mid thigh - right below your lady parts - when your feet are together) then I had reached the "in crowd" of fit women.  I even used to try and put my feet together and contort my body until I could get even the slightest glimpse of light between my thighs.

After having lost my weight, become a runner, and worked as a trainer in various gyms- I must confess I have never achieved such greatness.  I have one picture taken at my lowest weight for a photo shoot for the local paper with the coveted gap, but I am in squat stance and have a 40 pound bar on my shoulders. 

Honestly, I would much rather be able to leg press several hundred pounds than delicately gawk at my thigh gap any day.  While I will NOT be buying Lulemon yoga pants anytime soon or flitting around town in skinny jeans outlining said gap, I WILL be appreciating EVERY aspect of my body in it's current shape and living my life to the fullest. 

My thunder thighs were created by carrying around 100+ pounds around for longer than I care to admit.  As I lost body fat, I uncovered lean body mass hidden away but giving me so much in life.  They have carried me through races, played at amusement parks, climbed mountains, and been a soft place for my son to cuddle up to as we watch our Sunday night movie. 

I will never run like a gazelle or wear single digit sized pants. A 10 feels pretty darn perfect for the girl who started at a "tight" 28.  And sometimes....because of my beautiful and strong legs I will even sneak up a size to accentuate my curvature.  I refuse to squeeze or starve myself in to the mold held up and lauded as perfect by our society.  I will remember that the thigh gap is actually (scientifically proven) a genetic phenomenon  based on bone structure and NOT calories or exercise.  I will always be the voice of normal sized women who have curves, strong bodies, and aren't obsessed with the ever elusive thigh gap.

 I am healthy, I am strong, and yes my thighs touch. 


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