The Sugar Monster

As a self-proclaimed "fit-foodie" I have had a "love/hate" relationship with sugar.  Yup...a relationship with sugar.  What?  Here is why....

When I am "in the food" (or BELOW THE LINE for all my clients) I am searching for sugar laced food.  Intentionally or not, the foods that give me the trouble are carbohydrates.  I have yet to binge or overeat on a steak or a whole chicken.  Just can't do it.  But the cookies....I STILL am reluctantly stock those in my kitchen as the box's life is potentially threatened.  Eating more sugar - makes me want more.  It is a difficult cycle to get out of once I start.  Seems silly, but honestly it is harder for a foodie than you might think. 

When I was dieting (STILL BELOW THE LINE), I was constantly looking for the sugar content in the foods I ate - worried that I would go over the recommended limit.   Obsessed with AVOIDING it,  I purposely ate nasty things that were labeled "diet" in order to avoid said sugar.   Not such a healthy relationship.

I decided it was time to break up and live ABOVE THE LINE.  Now, understand, I did not STOP eating sugar all together (it is found naturally occurring in a lot of nutritious foods) but I quit having that love hate relationship with it.  I studied and continue to learn exactly what sugar is and how it affects the body.  How it affects MY body may be different than how it affects yours.  I also read the labels of the food I put in to my machine so that I know what to expect out of it.  You bodies is  a powerful wonderful machine that works best when given the right amounts of the right things.   Put too much or rancid gas in your car and expect lower performance.  Put in the good stuff - and see the results.  By intentionally controlling the quality and quantity of sugar. there is no longer the power struggle of me AVOIDING or it PULLING me in to consume more.     

Nutrition experts recommend no more than 100 daily calories for women and 150 for men. 

Check out this article in the Huffington Post for more info and a great video tool to understanding this little molecule and why it can have so much power.

Your Brain on Sugar


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