
Showing posts from February, 2014

Moxie on Vacation

Top 10 ways to keep your Moxie - EVEN while on vacation! So how do you survive and ENJOY your vacation without abandoning your training program or leaving your Moxie tucked in your suitcase back in your hotel room?  Plan using my top 10 tried and true ideas: 1. Don’t abandon ship! Still track your food and journal.  Take a picture of your vision board to keep your goals in mind.   This is a lifestyle change, not a temporary thing .  You do it daily - and yes -even on vacation!    2. Check out restaurants ahead of time to see what your options are so you can start mentally planning your meals before you sit down.  Know how you want your food prepared and what to ask for “on the side.” 3.  If you are planning to splurge a certain location for dinner, plan the rest of your meals to be lighter .  Smaller breakfast and snacks throughout the day along with staying active will help you enjoy that meal without the guilt.   4.   Eat moderately .  Remember, even though this may be a time fo

Thoughts on the Biggest Loser

"A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning." - Pat Riley All the fuss with the Biggest Loser got me to thinking.... In my former days I was tuned in every season to the weight loss wonder show, enticed as I watched contestants embark on their weight loss mission.  They were doing what seemed unlikely and impossible for me.    "It must be tough," I thought to myself, "to be away from life and dedicate oneself to getting healthy with unlimited help from trainers, healthy food options, dieticians, doctors, and staff." Sign. Me. Up.  Three months away from my job, parental and other responsibilities, and the relationship that I knew deep down inside was part of the reason I was eating myself to death?  Done.   To be away from everything and quiet my  mind long enough to make lasting changes?  Oh, just give me the chance - I could do it in the three months.  I envied the contestants and had little sympathy when they complained.  I never applied to

Word of the Week: Obstacle

ob·sta·cle (noun)  a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress. An obstacle is something, material or nonmaterial, that stands in the way of literal or figurative progress. Identify  yours - and you be able to conquer them!