Moxie on Vacation

Top 10 ways to keep your Moxie - EVEN while on vacation!

So how do you survive and ENJOY your vacation without abandoning your training program or leaving your Moxie tucked in your suitcase back in your hotel room?  Plan using my top 10 tried and true ideas:

1. Don’t abandon ship! Still track your food and journal.  Take a picture of your vision board to keep your goals in mind.  This is a lifestyle change, not a temporary thing.  You do it daily - and yes -even on vacation!   

2. Check out restaurants ahead of time to see what your options are so you can start mentally planning your meals before you sit down.  Know how you want your food prepared and what to ask for “on the side.”

3.  If you are planning to splurge a certain location for dinner, plan the rest of your meals to be lighter.  Smaller breakfast and snacks throughout the day along with staying active will help you enjoy that meal without the guilt.  

4.  Eat moderately.  Remember, even though this may be a time for celebration and it may be the ONE time you eat at a (fill in the blank), your stomach and digestive system will not know the difference and can’t accommodate.  

5.  Portion out big meals,and get it to go if possible.  Use your fridge and microwave in room if possible...lunch the next day is free!  Remember you don’t have to eat until you can’t move or until every last piece is gone to get your money’s worth.  

6.  Stay hydrated.  It can be easy to be so busy to forget to drink plenty of water, but it can thwart your plan if you then find yourself insatiably hungry at the next meal time.

7.  Stay active unintentionally.  If you are going for leisure, take an easy walk around the pool between chapters of your book  to refresh your mind and keep your metabolism going. Walk whenever possible for sight seeing to save on parking and to move your body!  

8.  Intentionally plan to workout.   Take a plan with you, and on days when you may not be as active for sightseeing, use hotel gym equipment (call ahead and find out what is available for you) or if you don’t use your room simple workouts like this: HOTEL

9.  Get plenty of rest.  Don’t exhaust yourself too much so that when you “need energy” you don’t mistake being tired for being hungry.

10.  Relax and enjoy.  Don’t be yourself up if you splurged a little too much or didn't exercise.  Do your best and make the next choice a healthy one.   Focus on why you are there and all the fun you are having. Take the focus OFF the food you can or can't have.


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