The NEAT Factor

I used to be sedentary.  Not even slightly active unless it was laundry day - I mean sedentary. Walking to my mailbox was a daily chore!  Ironically, I think my life now would make the past me tired just watching! 

If you think you have to adopt a rigorous health plan or gym routine to make positive and lasting health changes, think again!  The smallest of changes can have a huge impact on your health - you can start by looking at your NEAT factors.  The term NEAT is an acronym for "non-exercise activity thermogenesis" or the scientific jabber for the everything we do that is not sleeping, eating, or sports-like exercise -  unintentional activity you do throughout the day.   Examples include walking to the store, changing the laundry, and whatever else keeps you from sitting on your kiester.

Research has shown that the second you sit down:
  • Calorie consumption drops to 1 calorie burnt per minute
  • Enzyme activity that helps break down fat drops by 90%
  • Electrical activity in the leg muscles shuts off
Increase you NEAT by just 10 minutes per sedentary hour, and reap the benefits!
With the lack of physical activity, being one of the leading cause of preventable death worldwide, this is one very doable way to make some lasting changes!  Don't just sit are a couple of great articles with ideas to help you get your NEAT on!


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