Day One - Meeting Willa Michele

Once the pain had become manageable, we were assigned a room in the Women & Newborn wing.  It was a weird feeling to be headed there without my newborn to recover.  She stayed in NICU for what we thought was going to be a long stay until she could come home with us.  The nurses offered me the chance to see her on my way there.  I happily agreed and met my daughter for the first time through the Plexiglas of an incubator.   
She was even more precious than I anticipated,  and looking into her eyes for the first time I was completely and hopelessly in love - captivated by the opportunity to meet this little human that had been growing inside of me.  I had been envisioning what and who she would look like, and so I began studying every feature of her that I could see.  She had my webbed toes, but she was mostly her Daddy.  Yes, from her full head of dark hair and perfect nose down to her precious feet, she was definitely her Daddy's little girl.
The nurses reported that she was doing well, but DID NOT like all the tubes and equipment.  She fought them as they tried to attach them, and so they had to sedate her in order to insert her ventilator and attach IV's.  I was not surprised as I knew how feisty she was - and it was a trait I suspected she also inherited from Dad.   Thinking back, I am sure she just wanted her body and she knew that she wasn't going to have much time with us.  She was resisting because she didn't want to be tied down to machines and tubes.  She definitely knew more than we did of what was to come in the following days.


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