Daddy Hates Daisies

Dear Willa,

I brought you fresh daisies today - the last of the flowers given to us for your services. A big bouquet arrived from an anonymous giver the day after.  They have been beautiful to look at as we try to live each day without you.  I cleaned up the old dead flowers, and also put down your new wreath.  It is the only way I feel I can take care of you while I am still here, and you are in Heaven.  And then I remembered - Daddy  hates daisies.  He has a reason, and there is a story.  I would love to hear Grandma Sharon's version of why she chose to remove grass and plant a yard full of daisies, You should ask her to tell you her story while you are there together.  I am told that your dad (and siblings) had the task of weeding the "patch" of daisies.  Out of such chores grew a hatred for them.

I love daisies.  I think they are beautiful and yet such simple flowers.  They can grow pretty heartily in harsh conditions - much like my life, and the ways that our Heavenly Father has taught me how to grow.  I have realized that sometimes the most beautiful things can come out of tragedy and trials.  I hope that I can someday see how losing you will bring some beautiful growth.  For now I mostly miss you so bad that it hurts! I think a part of me found it's way to heaven with you.  

My reason for loving them is due in particular to a day that I was so completely frustrated with my life.  I was a single mom raising your big brother on my own, working full time, managing a home, and to my frustration, a huge yard.  I didn't feel like I could go on one more day.  And then (of course) my lawnmower wouldn't start.  I threw my hands up in frustration and begin to cry to the Lord for some sort of deliverance or help in getting through the afternoon.  

Suddenly I looked down, and in the mass of thorny overgrown weeds that surrounded our house, I spied 3 single daisies.  I felt like Heavenly Father was showing me his love all along.and sending me flowers at a hard time.  I now know he was saying, "Don't fret.  Don't quit.  Keep moving forward (even in the hardships) because great things are coming."  

He was right.  It wasn't too much later that your dad came into my life.  Despite his disdain for daisies, he does give them to me periodically.  And then there was you - the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  Great things were indeed in store.  I love how God answers our prayers in the simplest of ways and how Dad brings me daisies (and chose your casket that is beautifully engraved with daisies) despite how much he hates them.  He does those things because he loves us so much! We are so blessed to have him in our lives, and I am so honored to be your mom, sweet baby girl.  
Enjoy the daisies and all of God's creations.  You, my sweetness are one of his finest works!



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