Happy Thanks-Living...

I have not wanted Thanksgiving Day to occur this year.  Willa's due date has been in my head "the day after Thanksgiving" since the moment the doctor reported her findings.  When the question came from people about her miraculous, anticipated arrival, and when we made plans for the upcoming season, that was the answer I gave.  I could have said November 28th, but in my heart and head, there was something special and sweet about her joining our family during the season when people seem to show the most gratitude.  We were so grateful for her and her birth, and it seemed to be such a fitting detail to the story of her life.

I had imagined that I would still be eagerly anticipating her birth, or recuperating in the hospital with my healthy baby girl close by today.  What I hadn't ever even considered was being 6 weeks postpartum, completely recovered from a c-section, with empty arms, longing for my baby, and caught somewhere between the emotions of gratitude and grief.  Grateful for health, strength, the beaming 11 year old who calls me mom and still lets me kiss him, for a wonderful loving husband who is the best step-dad ever, for two families that we have walked with me through dark journeys and beautiful experiences, and for host of friends who have been a sustaining force in my life. Grieving for a that little girl that I miss way more than I can explain.  Grieving for the fact I was missing experiences we were going to have - all the firsts and all moments safely wrapped up in family love.  And all the sacrificed memories - gone.  A lifetime of memories never to be had - erased with the last beat of tiny little heart.

One thing I have learned over the last few months is to be grateful for every day ON every day.  Not just one day of gratitude  - but living a life of gratitude.  Because those memories and treasures we anticipated on having are not always guaranteed   There is no do-over.   The only guarantee we have is this moment - this chance to treasure today. I am trying my hardest each day to find one thing to be grateful for  - to live in thanks rather than show it.  Some days are more full of blessings than others just as some days are overflowing with sadness and tears. But there is something beautiful in every day and even rain is necessary to make flowers grow.


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