Building Bridges

*Comeback Update: Scale isn't budging, but I feel SO incredible!  I have the stamina and strength for a 15 minute mile (started at 20+), I am sleeping, and grief attacks are less frequent (but still tsunami-like in power).  I'm managing the thoughts/emotion train a bit better, and not letting the trolls have the driver's seat.  For the most part (hallelujah) persistence is working in my favor, and I am keeping the BED at bay by following a healthy plan of eating, and ENJOYING a splurge day free of guilt.  And...there is a little glimmer back in the far back of the room.  It fades in and ALMOST out, but never quite disappears.  I think it might be hope.

This new journey has required the building of another bridge. I say bridge because weight loss and habit change sometimes feels like a river too big to cross easily and to deep to swim in.  This time around, I know more about bridge building, I am learning more, I am trusting the process more, I am resting more, and I am helping others along the way as they build their own bridges.  And, it is going to be a masterpiece.  Stay tuned.    

I have been through a battle the last 136 days.  It has been the toughest, most grueling one yet - and I have had some epic ones.  I didn't think, going in, that I could ever survive, but somehow I have.  I first of all have a loving God (and Master Bridge Builder) who loves me unconditionally and understands that my questioning/doubtful heart is temporary.  And, it is also the strength of those amazing people in my life who's love lifts me up and strengthens my worn out warrior soul to go on just one more day.  Just one more battle.  Just one more piece to the bridge.  One of those people is my dear friend Connie who blogs more for my Willa than I do.  Willa is living on through Connie's brilliant writing and unwavering acts of service to those around her.  I aspire to be more like her and follow her lead - hopefully when I am a little stronger and less weepy.  You can read her work here. 

In reading her latest post, I was reminded that physically, emotionally, and spiritually we must continue to build bridges to get over those things that hold us back from where we are going.  As much as we want to find the easiest way over that river, I am learning that the strength comes in the building of the bridge.  That is what Moxie is all about.


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