Tiny Hands, Tiny Feet, & Momma Hearts

The above picture is an artist's (Liz Lemon Swindle) rendition of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and his wife Emma holding a child that had passed away.  The couple had 11 children with two of them being adopted twins.  They buried 6 of those 11 babies, the oldest being just 10 months old.  6 of those babies that came to her arms, 5 from her womb.  I have always had an interest in her life, and perhaps now, I have an even greater respect for Emma and her decision to not be part of the trek West with the Saints.  She had a broken heart - several times.  I wonder if there had been some comfort and healing in being able to visit the graves of her husband and children as she pondered life and eternity.   I can understand how she must have ached for her babies....

Joseph Smith said,  “…when [a righteous] mother is deprived of the pleasure and joy of rearing her babe to manhood or womanhood in this life, through the hand of death, that privilege will be renewed to her hereafter, and she will enjoy it to a fuller fruition than it would be possible for her to do here” (Ibid., p. 454). Why?  “…all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven” (D&C 137: 10).   

The following lyrics to Tiny Hands by Kenneth Cope from his album "My servant Joseph"  depict Emma and Joseph's thoughts about the death of their babies, and their longing to hold them again.  Today, these words and this song have brought THIS momma some comfort....

another pair of tiny hands
to lay beneath the clay
slumbering little baby eyes
to wake another day
oh god of heav'n, come guard this bed
and let this angel sleep
'til earth is pure for tiny hands
and safe for tiny feet
a wondrous little baby smile
the hope of things to be
born to face the troubled world
for a moment and then set free
oh god of heav'n, take hate from man
'til lambs and lions feed
and make earth pure for tiny hands
and safe for tiny feet

tiny hands
angel hands
perfect hands
blamless hands
lifeless hands
resting in the night
waiting for the light
when life will follow

oh god of heav'n, send christ again
bringing his reign of peace
let earth turn pure for tiny hands
and safe for tiny feet
then give back my child to me


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