Sticky Fingers Dilemma

This is a repost done from the blog on MFP dated January 22, 2015

So it happened today.  I went to lunch with my sister, and thought I was making a healthy choice.  I ordered a salad....check.  Ordered the dressing on the side....check. I was short on calories for the day so I ordered the sticky fingers as my protein...check.  Or not.

Food arrived, and I placed the bowl (yes bowl) of Ranch dressing on the side and tip-dipped my fork in it as I began my first bite. The salad was delicious, and I felt so good about my choice - used very little dressing. Once the meal was over and I got home, I searched MyFitnessPal for the meal to add it to my daily calories. 

1110 calories. Not even kidding.  I even searched the restaurant website to make sure it was right.  I had ordered the lunch salad after all, and that high number just had to include the bowl of ranch. Nope.  The lunch salad without dressing is listed as 1110 calories.  Two-thirds of my calorie goal on my eating plan - in one meal - and I had already eaten it without knowing the damage I was doing. 


Deep breath......add it.  (but will it really matter?)  Add it... (but I can't bear the thought of 1000 calories gone!). ..ADD IT!  I couldn't help but feel like I had just wasted $1000 as I added those calories to my daily intake.

How do I deal with such dilemas? 

1.  Be accountable. Add it to my daily food.  It is part of my daily food whether or  not I add it - might as well have the full picture. 

2.  Reconfigure.  I decided to add in a little extra exercise to help balance out the energy.  I also changed up my dinner plans to decrease calories to make up for it.  Lastly, I made a decision to not order that meal again, and to not be caught of guard with my calories.  I am a foodie - and my calories are important to my happiness.   

3.  Move on.  This can be the toughest part.  No regrets.  No rehashing.  No self-shaming.  No should'ves.  Remember the Law of Averages, and let go of the perfectionist all-or-nothing thinking surrounding my eating plan.  One poorly executed choice does not make a failure day. 


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