Better Sleep, More Energy, and Optimism

Just a few of the things I have found since starting this new plan of eating.  How did I find it?

First, my endocrinologist urged me to find a low glycemic/simple carb plan to help balance out and re-calibrate my system.  I thought it was going to be costly, time consuming, and I also thought I was going to STARVE and be be cranky.  I'm a foodie, and reducing the foods I love (and those that I think make me feel better) makes me grumpy.

However, almost one month later, I feel better than I have in a VERY long time.  Eating balanced portions of balanced fuel has helped my body begin to heal.  Hmmmm....I think I have heard that somewhere before.  Like from my own mouth!  Life's struggles led me back into old feeding unhealthy cycles of forgetting to eat, grabbing whatever as handy (despite nutritional value), overexercising then feeling too exhausted to sleep well, waking up groggy and then repeating again.. And again.  Day after day.  Week after week.  One year, and none of my health/fitness goals met. (enter sigh of defeat)

Secondly, I have a client who asked me to find her something quick and convenient.  She was tired of constantly worrying about what to eat, and struggling to prepare her food in perfect portions with very limited time.  She too was feeling stuck, and we both needed to back up, redefine our goals and try out new strategies that fit those goals and helped us dust of the our Moxie.

Enter Take Shape For Life.  The worry and preparation reduced to one meal a day, less focus on food (good for this foodie), and I haven't been hungry. I repeat, I haven't been hungry.  It is amazing how happy and satisfied my body is when I get a full day's worth of vitamins and macro-nutrients it needs in the right,portions.   I actually wake up in the morning with energy, and I feel optimistic again.

It is great to find a program that merges beautifully with those things I already teach  my clients!  No gimmicks or quick fixes.  Sound nutrition mixed with positive health coaching, and healthy habit practices.  So impressed I have been that I am studying to be a certified health coach specifically through this program.

Oh, and though the scale isn't the most important thing to me, a 10 pound loss in just under a month has been pretty awesome too!


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