
Showing posts from April, 2009

How did that happen?

Weigh in this week for me was - in a word - shocking. I have been in this holding pattern with my weight for the last little while. Despite not seeing the scale go down, or my clothes fitting loser, I refused to quit. I knew (and still know) that my body wants to hold on to this excess weight because that it all we have ever known - it is what is comfortable. The persistence paid off.....and my body morphed! The scale went down 2 pounds - for a total of 62 pounds gone. And though it seems crazy, when the changed happened, I noticed it. I had purchased a pair of pants at Wal-Mart that were a size smaller as a motivation tool. To my surprise when I woke up one morning and slipped them on....they fit! I am so proud to say that I am wearing a size 14. That may seem huge to some, but when you consider I started out at a 26, it is pretty darn amazing! I think the last time I wore a 14.....I was 14 years old! I am finally able to see my life as it will be without the weight....p

Race #4 - Pear Blossom (Medford, OR) 2:15:13

This was a monumental day for me - the longest run. I felt very apprehensive at first - and thought all the way to the start line that I should have signed up for one of the many other events they were holding that day. There was a 5k, 2 mile, and even a 10 mile walk that left 30 min earlier than the run, but there I was - signed up for the 10 mile run! There were some 1200 participants, and the energy was so was a really fun experience. Here is a picture of us before the race began. The race started, and my goal was just to keep a steady pace as long as I could, which I was able to do for the entire race. 2 minutes walking, 3 minutes running. I didn't really start to hurt until about mile 8. It was at that point I wondered if I was moving in the right direction because the finish line kept getting further and further away! My reoccurring thout for the duration of the run was that during the last Pear Blossom Festival the most exercise I got was walking to and fro

Race is Saturday!

Well whether I am prepared or not, the Pear Blossom Run is this Saturday. 10 miles - more than any other race I have done. When I signed up, I had great plans to train and be able to run the whole thing non-stop. Life didn't cooperate. I had a vacation, and I have nagging cough that will not leave! I seriously sound like I am trying to hack up a lung. My breathing capacity is shot, and I am feeling a little worried about how I will do. Trying to take it easy this week, yet not sit around. I have done my Body Sculpt class 2 days so far, and then today I went for a light walk with Isaac while he rode his bike. We went 2.25 miles! He is such a trooper! He either rode or walked the whole way...and I even ended up burning over 700 calories! It was such a nice walk, and I couldn't help but think of how hard that would have been 18 months ago.

49...the final descent.

Saturday was an awesome weigh in. Honestly, I was really nervous. I hadn't weighed in in 2 weeks. Those 2 Saturdays were spent in Utah with family. Usually vacations tend to send home a few extra pounds in my suitcase...but not this time! I dropped 1.2 pounds ....which means I have LESS than 50 pounds to go. I know that may sound like a lot to some folks, but when you consider that starting this journey my "golden number," my goal, the ultimate number to lose was 111. I have less than an Isaac to go.... I am going to let go of the old me gracefully, and enjoy these last few pounds. I will not come this way again!