
Showing posts from November, 2013

Tips For Keeping on Course This Thanksgiving

While the typical Thankgiving Dinner holds about 4000 calories, it doesn't have to be a day that throws your healthy eating plans off the table to make room for more pie or shifts your success in reverse.  Here are my tips in each area of a transformation to help you successfully ENJOY the day while staying FOCUSED on your healthy goals. 1.  Enjoy things in MODERATION.  If you already follow a healthy eating plan, today can be your free day where you still log your food, but choose to splurge.  Also, avoid the typical foods you can eat every day and choose the ones that are for the special occasion.  For instance, pass up the packaged side dishes or baked goods and go for the homemade roll and your mom's famous pumpkin cheese cake instead.  Concerned you can't choose just one?  Follow a three bite rule....enjoy three bites (each one about 25 calories) and then be done.   2. Go for a long walk, add in some intervals, and get a good workout accomplished.  Not enough time?  Do

Winning the Mental Battle - 13 Things To Avoid

As part of my program, I offer a mental/emotional piece that is neglected in most quick weight loss plans.  That is what makes mine different.  In my experience, if you take care of that emotional creature inside the outside shell will follow the either direction. I came across this wonderful article written by Cheryl Conner on what mentally strong people avoid and I could  not help but see a direct correlation between those and what it takes mentally to achieve weight loss and a healthy self esteem while doing it.  So here is the list  (originally posted here by Amy Morin)   and my thoughts/ideas on how they relate to this mental battle I have been in for most of my life. Typically, if your are mentally strong, you have healthy habits.  You can successfully manage emotions and thoughts which help create and solidify success.  This list (and my subsequent weight loss slant) are things that those mentally strong ones DON'T do.  Check them out....pattern after those who

The Thigh Gap and Other Myths

There are some pictures and articles that demand I pay attention.  The "thigh gap" myth is one such thing.  I used to watch my chubby self in the mirror at the gym whilst hoisting my dumbbells and think that when I could see the GAP  (or the space between your upper-mid thigh - right below your lady parts - when your feet are together) then I had reached the "in crowd" of fit women.  I even used to try and put my feet together and contort my body until I could get even the slightest glimpse of light between my thighs. After having lost my weight, become a runner, and worked as a trainer in various gyms- I must confess I have never achieved such greatness.  I have one picture taken at my lowest weight for a photo shoot for the local paper with the coveted gap, but I am in squat stance and have a 40 pound bar on my shoulders.  Honestly, I would much rather be able to leg press several hundred pounds than delicately gawk at my thigh gap any day.  While I will NOT be bu

Resources Galore!

When I started my  journey I decided to become a "student" of the fitness and nutrition industry.  I  learned all I could by reading the works of others success stories and experts.  I learned so much!  So much is now available to you at your fingertips (thank you Google) to answer most any question you have or give you ideas to help your reach your goals. One of the most asked questions (and misunderstood areas) is resistance training.  Here are my favorite resources when it comes to learning and getting ideas when it comes to strengthening your already fabulous body! Don't feel intimidated by weight lifting....start learning and then go DO IT! Anytime Health Muscle & Strength Spark People Body Building Body For Life Skinny Ms.