
Showing posts from January, 2014

The Sugar Monster

As a self-proclaimed "fit-foodie" I have had a "love/hate" relationship with sugar.  Yup...a relationship with sugar.  What?  Here is why.... When I am "in the food" (or BELOW THE LINE for all my clients) I am searching for sugar laced food.  Intentionally or not, the foods that give me the trouble are carbohydrates.  I have yet to binge or overeat on a steak or a whole chicken.  Just can't do it.  But the cookies....I STILL am reluctantly stock those in my kitchen as the box's life is potentially threatened.  Eating more sugar - makes me want more.  It is a difficult cycle to get out of once I start.  Seems silly, but honestly it is harder for a foodie than you might think.  When I was dieting (STILL BELOW THE LINE), I was constantly looking for the sugar content in the foods I ate - worried that I would go over the recommended limit.   Obsessed with AVOIDING it,  I purposely  ate nasty things that were labeled "diet" in order to avoid s

Life Unexpected

Moxie isn't just for weight loss and transformation, it is a required characteristic to overcome nearly every challenge we might face.  That has never been more real in my life than this last week. My year started out with the best possible scenario - back on track with health goals. And delighting in the best news - a surprise pregnancy!!  I was thrilled at the adventure of experiencing a fit pregnancy and turning 40 at the same time.  It was a chance I had given up on nearly 9 years ago,  I was so full of hope as my wonderful husband and I began making plans for our new little arrival and all the possibilities that came with it. Postponing my half marathon, scheduling doctor visits, moving rooms, and adjusting to baby mode began.    Then just as quickly as the surprise came, it stopped.  Like 1/3 of all pregnancies, mine abruptly ended and in a matter of hours I was empty.  Literally and emotionally.  Nothing.   Over the next few days of sitting in my emptiness I began to reflect

Welcome 2014!

I typically don't by magazines off the shelf except for one time.  Prior to my transformation, I always bought the January addition of People Magazine.  It contained the success stories of other people who had lost over 100 pounds. It always gave me hope. It was proof to my doubt-filled heart and mind that it WAS doable. They were real people with real results, and I scoured their stories hoping that whatever they had "caught" that changed their lives was contagious. It has been 6 years ago this month that I "started" for the last time.  I have never looked back, and I have never regretted it.  This video is my story put to music.  Something I have wanted to share, but have only decided to do so now.  I hope that it brings the same inspiration to you that those success stories in the People Magazine brought to me. I hope you get to "start" for the last time....very soon!