
Showing posts from March, 2009

Exercise At Home

One of the obstacles I faced at home was finding time and "umph" to exercise. I had big plans to jog every morning before breakfast and hike on the mountain in front of home. I found myself measuring distances from my parents to different stores, etc. to see where I could run to. I did jog on a couple of days...and 6 miles...while I was there, but with the snow and coming down with a touch of a flu/cold my big plans didn't end up so great. Eating was a bit of a struggle. I wasn't in my kitchen, and sometimes didn't have a choice as to where or what was available to eat, but I really tried to remain focused and center my energy on making healthy choices for food and exercise. Besides jogging, we also swam, went for short walks, and played outside. I haven't weighed in yet, so I don't know what the final results were, but I did feel pretty good about what I had done.

Sign Wisdom

One of the most exciting parts of my recent trip to Utah was my ability to make healthy choices and suggestions without feeling bad or guilty, and without creating tension with my family and friends! I made it the entire 10 days without stepping foot into what I call a "sit and slop" restaurant (all you can eat buffets). It has always been a family favorite as it is the place to "get your money's worth." My first full day at home I went to breakfast with "my girls" Angie and Jamie. I have been friends with Jamie for literally 30 years, and Angie joined our group in high school. We were an inseparable trio, and really look forward to getting together when I come home. One thing we love to do together is eat! My goal was to enjoy the time with them yet stay true to myself. I felt like I had done pretty good, and as I was driving home, I noticed the sign on the local sit and slop. It read "10 DIFFERENT KINDS OF SEAFOOD EVERY NIGHT." Seri

Stepping Stones

So, throughout this journey, I have had some special "moments" that remind me that I am literally stepping up and leaving an old lifestyle - making serious positive changes in my life and truly embracing a new one. For the purposes of my blogging, I am going to call them stepping stones. One such moment happened yesterday when I went in to Weight Watchers to weigh in before the race. I achieved an awesome goal of losing 60 pounds, and the scale lady was so excited! She said she could not imagine me with that weight back. That made me feel so good. But perhaps the best part was after I told her I wouldn't be staying because of the race, she smiled and said, "Thats' right, you are the runner!" AT NO TIME in my life have I EVER been referred to as "the runner." If she only knew me "back then" she would realize how monumental these changes have been for me!

Race #3 - Shamrock Run (Central Point, OR) 1:07:03

Well, today was a big day for milestones for me. It started out rushing to Medford to weigh in at WW meeting where I reached a huge milestone.... 60 official pounds gone ! It was a pretty awesome feeling, but short lived as I didn't stay at the meeting, but scooted out to go register for the 5 mile Shamrock Run. ( I figure race participation was a good excuse to miss a meeting). I ran with my girl, Alissa , who has been and continues to be my major motivation source in this crazy endeavor and won't let me give up.....ever. True to her character, after crossing the finish line, she waited for me at the entrance to the track field, and ran with me around the track as I finished the last stretch of the run. WHAT AN AWESOME FRIEND ! She convinced her son, Thomas to run this with us, which made it all the more fun.....hard for me to believe that she has a 19 year old. She seriously amazes me! So I logged some more miles on my new 350 mile shoes..,..didn't run my best r

MY STORY: In The Beginning....

I t is safe to say that I was a "chubby" baby. I just never "grew out of the chubbiness. As far as I can remember I have always been overweight, chubby, chunky, curvy, stout, WHATEVER you want to call it. Chubby babies are cute. Chubby girls - not so cute. Chubby women....well you get the picture. Suffice it to say "chubby" is all I remember, and all I have ever known. Until now. Don't get me wrong, I am still have some 50 pounds to lose, but I have NEVER in my life been as fit and active as I am right now. I exercise daily and am finding myself "in to" running local races. I am stronger than I have ever been and for the first time in my life, when I look in the mirror, I see beyond the number on the scale or the size listed on the tag of my clothes. From here forward is uncharted territory for me, and I want to remember the details of this journey so that I never want to go back and visit the lifestyle I have left behind.